Need Assistance During COVID-19?

COVID Testing Locations

File for Unemployment insurance claims

All Claims MUST be made online at this time. To begin that process, please visit

If you are having problems getting your claims filed or need assistance with questions please call my office (800)382-9842

Register to VOTE Go to

Register for Absentee Ballot online or download an application and mail. Go to

Economic Relief for Business

Go to

Low Income Energy Assistance Program

Local Assistance can also be obtained by contacting

Area IV – Tippecanoe County
660 N 36th St
Lafayette IN 47903
Telephone: 765-447-7683
Fax: 765-447-6862

CALL 211

If you need immediate assistance, please call 211 or contact your Local Service Provider for referrals to additional resources available in your area. If you are currently scheduled for disconnection on your heating or electric utility, please contact your utility provider and negotiate a payment agreement to avoid disconnection.

Find Help Website

Enter your location to get connected to resources in your area

Indiana Rent or Mortgage Assistance Guide

Call 988

National Suicide Prevention Hotline